Company updates

Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Müthing tritt Autonomieverbund bei

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste/Soest, im September 2023. Die Müthing GmbH & Co. KG tritt als vierter Partner dem hersteller-übergreifenden Landtechnik-Autonomieverbund „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ bei. Die Praxiserprobung der durch 3A entwickelten Technologie für die hochautomatisierte bis autonome Feldbearbeitung im Mulchereinsatz ist bereits angelaufen. 3A gewinnt an Stärke und begrüßt neuen Partner Der herstellerübergreifende, offene Ansatz von

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CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have set up the first autonomy group and are unveiling solutions for highly automated and autonomous fieldwork.
Company updates

Joined forces: CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone establish world-first multi-manufacturer autonomy group

CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have stepped up their collaboration in the field of highly automated and autonomous agricultural machinery and work processes by establishing the first multi-manufacturer autonomy group. 3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY aims to accelerate the development, standardisation and market introduction of semi- and fully autonomous tractor-implement combinations through their combined expertise

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CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have set up the first autonomy group and are unveiling solutions for highly automated and autonomous fieldwork.
Company updates

Gebündelte Kräfte: CLAAS, AgXeed und Amazone gründen weltweit ersten herstellerübergreifenden Autonomie-Verbund

CLAAS, AgXeed und Amazone verstärken ihre Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet hochautomatisierter bis autonomer Landmaschinen und Arbeitsprozesse durch Gründung des ersten herstellerübergreifenden Autonomie-Verbunds. „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ soll Entwicklung, Normung und Markteinführung teil- und vollautonomer Zugmaschinen-Geräte-Kombinationen durch gebündelte Kompetenzen beschleunigen und steht weiteren Landmaschinenherstellern offen. 3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY: Hersteller- und markenoffene

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Company updates

TrekkerTrek Familiedag 2023 Flakkee, The Netherlands

As our first event, we had a world first! We participated in the “TrekkerTrek Familiedag” in Flakkee, The Netherlands. A tractor pulling family event. Here we performed the first ever AgBot Tractor Pull! We had an incredible weekend, showcasing the power and determination of our AgBot. We have proven that our machine can be as

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AgBot W4 at CLAAS forage harvesting event

This month, we were invited to join the CLAAS forage harvesting event in Bad Saulgau, where new innovations for mowing, tedding and baling were presented. Over 100 journalists from all over Europe were present. Our AgBot 2.055W4 worked in the field with the new VOLTO tedder 1300, with a large working width of 13 meters,

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AgBot T2 – Strip-Till

Our partner, NIK, showed their AgBot 5.115T2 in Romania. The AgBot operated using an Agrisem International Strip-Cat II strip-till cultivator for seeding canola. The work speed was 8 km/h with 15 cm working depth and with 50 cm row spacing. The strip-till cultivator worked nicely on the light clay soil.   Below some statistics of

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Friends of AgXeed – Andreas Ziaja

This year, we celebrated our 6 year anniversary and already our second fully commercial year with many machines already running in the fields. In this time, we have built a vast community of ambassadors and partners, working with us and our machines. A community “Friends of AgXeed” focused on autonomy in agriculture, which we would

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Orchards special

Did you know we have also have an autonomous solution specifically designed for smart applications in orchards and beyond? Our AgBot 2.055W3 is designed in a way, that fits perfectly between the rows of trees, for even and soil preserving rollover. Spraying and mowing are both repetitive tasks for farmers. Tasks that both can be

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