

Dutch Precision Days

On August 25 -26th, our distribution and service partner Rovadi, was present at the Dutch Precision Days in Reusel. This event is organised by Jacob van den Borne and his company to demonstrate the newest innovations in the agriculture industry. Jacob van den Borne has been traveling the world since 2008 in search of new

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Demo Sevra Suisse in Switzerland

In August, SEVRA Suisse conducted a demo tour in Switzerland. The AgXeed AgBot 5.115T2 in combination with a cultivator or other customer machine were attached and shown in action to the interested public at 9 stations throughout Switzerland. Despite the mostly smaller structures, the machine met with lively interest, with an average of about 50

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Demos in France – July & August

End of July and August have been marked by three interesting demonstrations with the 5.115T2 machine in France, together with two of our distribution and partners; Sevra France and Groupe David. On July 26th, Sevra France organised a nice 1st event demonstrating our AgBot. About 100 farmers came to this successful demonstration in Aigondigne, West

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Busy season for partner Agrokoncernas

Our partner Agrokoncernas has been very busy over the last months doing events and demonstrations with their AgBot 5.115T2 all over Lithuania. They have done several field days in many regions of Lithuania as well, where their team shared their experience in all sorts of things, such as growing technology and innovations, like the AgXeed

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Live from the Fields

Regardless of the busy season, we were still able to show our AgBots on farmers’ fields and capture some Live from the Fields moments. Two French farmers found the time to host a demo of our AgBots at their farms. A tine-, disc- and deep cultivator were used on fields in Connantre and Poivres. In

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AgBot W4 – Flail mowing green manure

Our partner Nouws Mechanisatie recently performed flail mowing green manure, with the AgBot 2.055W4 using an Agrimaster flail mower. They gave a demonstration of this combination on a field of one of their customers. According to Agrimaster, a perfect match between machine and customer’s needs on the field.

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Rent-to-Sell program

We currently have an AgBot 5.115T2 running in France as part of our Rent-to-Sell program. For those customers that want to test one of our AgBots on their farm, on their fields, working with their own implements, we have a limited number of AgBots available that can be rented for an extensive period prior to

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Highlights July

Again, many highlights and industry events during the last month, providing a great opportunity to connect with farmers, industry experts. Our autonomous solutions are showcased at events all across Europe, by us and our valued partners. We even got nominated for a Tractor of the Year Award, in the category “TotYBot”. TotYBot Award Our AgBot

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