Industry highlights

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3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Awarded with Agritechnica silver medal

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste, in September 2023. The world’s first cross-manufacturer autonomy association in agricultural technology, “3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY,” received a Silver Innovation Award from the Agritechnica Innovation Commission. The founding partners, CLAAS, AgXeed, and Amazone, view this recognition as validation of their open approach and objectives to accelerate the development, standardization, and market readiness

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Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – mit Agritechnica-Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste, im September 2023. Der weltweit erste herstellerübergreifende Autonomieverbund in der Landtechnik „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ wurde von der Agritechnica-Neuheitenkommission mit einer Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet. Die Gründungspartner CLAAS, AgXeed und Amazone sehen sich durch die renommierte Auszeichnung im offenen Ansatz und den Zielen des Verbunds, Entwicklung sowie Normung und Marktreife teil- und vollautonomer Zugmaschinen-Geräte-Kombinationen

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CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have set up the first autonomy group and are unveiling solutions for highly automated and autonomous fieldwork.
Company updates

Joined forces: CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone establish world-first multi-manufacturer autonomy group

CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have stepped up their collaboration in the field of highly automated and autonomous agricultural machinery and work processes by establishing the first multi-manufacturer autonomy group. 3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY aims to accelerate the development, standardisation and market introduction of semi- and fully autonomous tractor-implement combinations through their combined expertise

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Industry highlights

AgXeed in Top 100 for “Good industrial design 2023”

#Agxited to share that we are in the Top 100 of “Good industrial design 2023”. This G100 selection is a representation of the best that the Netherlands has to offer in the field of industrial product design. It concerns products that are not only relevant (a solution to a real problem), but are also innovative

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AgBots in France – July

In France, we got to show our AgBots in the field multiple times this month, together with CLAAS Avignon and CLAAS Macon. Our AgBots got to work alongside various CLAAS machines. It’s so great to see so many interested people coming to watch our AgBots perform. Watching the AgBot and CLAAS machines work in the

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AgBot W4 at CLAAS forage harvesting event

This month, we were invited to join the CLAAS forage harvesting event in Bad Saulgau, where new innovations for mowing, tedding and baling were presented. Over 100 journalists from all over Europe were present. Our AgBot 2.055W4 worked in the field with the new VOLTO tedder 1300, with a large working width of 13 meters,

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AgBot T2 – Strip-Till

Our partner, NIK, showed their AgBot 5.115T2 in Romania. The AgBot operated using an Agrisem International Strip-Cat II strip-till cultivator for seeding canola. The work speed was 8 km/h with 15 cm working depth and with 50 cm row spacing. The strip-till cultivator worked nicely on the light clay soil.   Below some statistics of

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Friends of AgXeed – Andreas Ziaja

This year, we celebrated our 6 year anniversary and already our second fully commercial year with many machines already running in the fields. In this time, we have built a vast community of ambassadors and partners, working with us and our machines. A community “Friends of AgXeed” focused on autonomy in agriculture, which we would

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