
Industry highlights

AgXeed at Mechaman

AgXeed, Faromatics and HONEY.AI winners Robot event During the agROBOfood event “Pitch your Robot, Find your Investor” SMEs presented solutions they have developed for the agri-food sector to investors, so as to secure funding to continue their work! The event (10,11 February) was built on the momentum of the previous Open Calls. Read more

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Industry highlights

AgXeed at The European Commission

European Innovation Council pilot – €176 million to 38 start-ups and SMEs set to shape the future The European Commission has selected 38 of Europe’s most promising start-ups and SMEs to receive funding of between €1 and €17 million to develop and scale up ground-breaking innovations in Europe. This is the last round of funding

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Farming technology news

AgXeed at Agroinform

Ezt a brutális robottraktort látnod kell munka közben – VIDEÓ Két hónappal az autonóm traktor premierje után máris egy szenzációs szántóföldi bemutatóval rukkolt elő a holland mezőgazdasági start-up cég. Az AgXeed saját fejlesztésű 156 lóerős önvezető erőgépe egy elektromos meghajtású kombinált ásó- és talajlazító munkaeszközzel dolgozott élesben. Read more

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Farming technology news

AgXeed at Future Farming

AgXeed robot tractor test drive: first impression Future Farming were the first to see the new AgXeed robot tractor at work. Watch the video! Read more

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AgXeed at Mechaman

AgXeed, Faromatics and HONEY.AI winners Robot event During the agROBOfood event “Pitch your Robot, Find your Investor” SMEs presented solutions they have developed for the agri-food sector to investors, so as to secure funding to continue their work! The event (10,11 February) was built on the momentum of the previous Open Calls. Read more

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AgXeed at The European Commission

European Innovation Council pilot – €176 million to 38 start-ups and SMEs set to shape the future The European Commission has selected 38 of Europe’s most promising start-ups and SMEs to receive funding of between €1 and €17 million to develop and scale up ground-breaking innovations in Europe. This is the last round of funding

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AgXeed at Agroinform

Ezt a brutális robottraktort látnod kell munka közben – VIDEÓ Két hónappal az autonóm traktor premierje után máris egy szenzációs szántóföldi bemutatóval rukkolt elő a holland mezőgazdasági start-up cég. Az AgXeed saját fejlesztésű 156 lóerős önvezető erőgépe egy elektromos meghajtású kombinált ásó- és talajlazító munkaeszközzel dolgozott élesben. Read more

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