Farming technology news

Company updates

Autonomous hemp harvesting machine

#Agxited! We have been granted funding for the CrossRoads Vlaanderen-Nederland project together with Hyler, to develop an autonomous hemp harvesting machine. Due to the climate change and the many interesting characteristics of hemp, the demand for hemp products increases. Hemp has many benefits as a crop: 🌿 Could replace water-absorbing cotton 🌿 Fast growing 🌿 Deep roots –

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Farming technology news

AgXeed at WUR

Much interest in Farm of the Future innovation vouchers The voucher provision for the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) Farm of the Future agro-ecological research project attracts a lot of attention. Over fifty domestic and foreign businesses have applied to test an innovation or new technology for circular agriculture over the last few months. Four

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Farming technology news

AgXeed at iVTinternational

Claas enters autonomous market with high-tech AgBot German agricultural machinery manufacturer Claas has invested in a Dutch robotic start-up company to step into the autonomous tractor market. The company has entered into a cooperative venture with AgXeed BV and acquired a minority shareholding in its international funding round as a mark of their commitment. Read

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Farming technology news

AgXeed at Agroinform

Ezt a brutális robottraktort látnod kell munka közben – VIDEÓ Két hónappal az autonóm traktor premierje után máris egy szenzációs szántóföldi bemutatóval rukkolt elő a holland mezőgazdasági start-up cég. Az AgXeed saját fejlesztésű 156 lóerős önvezető erőgépe egy elektromos meghajtású kombinált ásó- és talajlazító munkaeszközzel dolgozott élesben. Read more

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AgXeed Christmas Party

Last Friday, we had our annual AgXeed Christmas Party. Together with most of our colleagues, we toasted on the past year. The party started with an AgXeed pub quiz with of course a prize for the winning team. A nice dinner followed. We also organized our own AgBot Christmas show with our very own AgXeed

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French dealer training 2024

The winter season is the perfect time for training. Last week, 7 of our 9 distribution partners in France came to our office for the French dealer training. A week filled with the latest updates on our products, technical, but also sales training. A perfect chance to meet face-to-face with our new CCO Arjan and

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AgBots in December 2024

In December, several of our dealers and AgBots have been showing their autonomous possibilities in different fields and countries, such as France, Germany, UK and the Netherlands. France Thank you to our distributor TECMAT for having organized this successful demo with our AgBot T2 equipped with a Treffler 3m tine cultivator. For the special occasion

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AgBot T2 in rice fields

Impressive performance of our AgXeed AgBot T2 in Southern France, Camargue. Our AgBot worked an Alpego FZ 4m power tiller in a wet rice field. In this operation, the tracks of our AgBot show their advantages – although the rice paddy was between about 30cm deep, the AgBot did hardly sink in. The tracks allow

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