AgXperience Tour – June 2024

Turf mowing UK

Directly after Cereals 2024, our UK team headed for a new field demo. A quick turn around after demonstrating the AgBot 2.055W4 with Amazone Catros Discs at Cereals. The Ag tyres were removed, Turf tyres are installed to demonstrate the 4-wheeler on a turf farm, mowing grass.

It was great to be invited to the Turf Grower Associations annual conference to demonstrate our tech working in the field: AgBot 2.055W4 with a progressive 4.7m rotary mower with work rates up to 10 acres per hour.


In France, we attended the “Day of the apple” (Journée Nationale Pomme) for growers and people in the apple industry, organized by CTIFL, together with our partner Sevra France.
Here we demonstrated our AgBot 2.055W3 with HSS sprayer, the autonomous solution for orchards. A successful event with 380+ attendees.

Explore the opportunities of autonomy on your farm for yourself, join us in our AgXperience Tour. Check our website for upcoming demos. The website is updated regularly with new dates and places.

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