
Rinaldin Group & AgXeed at FIERAGRICOLA – Italy

From January 31st – February 3rd, we have been present, together with our partner Rinaldin Group at FIERAGRICOLA in Verona, Italy. They were showcasing the AgBot 2.055W3 with HSS Sprayer and AgBot 5.115T2 at their stand. Every fair day, around 12.00 p.m. they also held a presentation regarding these products and served some nice refreshments.

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Autonomous hemp harvesting machine

#Agxited! We have been granted funding for the CrossRoads Vlaanderen-Nederland project together with Hyler, to develop an autonomous hemp harvesting machine. Due to the climate change and the many interesting characteristics of hemp, the demand for hemp products increases. Hemp has many benefits as a crop: 🌿 Could replace water-absorbing cotton 🌿 Fast growing 🌿 Deep roots –

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2.055W3 in New Zealand

Another AgBot put to work this week in New Zealand! An AgBot 2.055W3 out making the final mowing pass before apple harvest starts next week in Hawkes Bay, Deartech, New Zealand. July should see the W3 mated to a HSS apple sprayer reducing the workload. Well done to CLAAS Harvest Centre New Zealand! In the

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