
Agrihandler introducing the AgBot at the Agro Show

Last week, during the Agro Show in Bednary, Poland, our new distribution and service partner for Poland; Agrihandler, introduced the AgBot 5.115T2 in a spectacular way. The Agro Show has been a very successful 3-day event with thousands of visitors and many interesting conversations. Agrihandler is a leading distributor of agricultural machinery & robots in

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AgBot introduced in Czech Republic by Leading Farmers CZ, a.s.

Robots for food production and agricultural sustainability On September 20, 2023, with the participation of AgXeed representatives, agricultural journalists and prominent farmers, our distributor Leading Farmers CZ, a.s. officially presented the AgXeed AgBot 5.115T2 at a press conference in Czech Republic. After that, a demonstration of the robotic machine took place on the grounds of

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3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Awarded with Agritechnica silver medal

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste, in September 2023. The world’s first cross-manufacturer autonomy association in agricultural technology, “3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY,” received a Silver Innovation Award from the Agritechnica Innovation Commission. The founding partners, CLAAS, AgXeed, and Amazone, view this recognition as validation of their open approach and objectives to accelerate the development, standardization, and market readiness

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3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – mit Agritechnica-Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste, im September 2023. Der weltweit erste herstellerübergreifende Autonomieverbund in der Landtechnik „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ wurde von der Agritechnica-Neuheitenkommission mit einer Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet. Die Gründungspartner CLAAS, AgXeed und Amazone sehen sich durch die renommierte Auszeichnung im offenen Ansatz und den Zielen des Verbunds, Entwicklung sowie Normung und Marktreife teil- und vollautonomer Zugmaschinen-Geräte-Kombinationen

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