Company updates

Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – mit Agritechnica-Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste, im September 2023. Der weltweit erste herstellerübergreifende Autonomieverbund in der Landtechnik „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ wurde von der Agritechnica-Neuheitenkommission mit einer Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet. Die Gründungspartner CLAAS, AgXeed und Amazone sehen sich durch die renommierte Auszeichnung im offenen Ansatz und den Zielen des Verbunds, Entwicklung sowie Normung und Marktreife teil- und vollautonomer Zugmaschinen-Geräte-Kombinationen

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Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Müthing joins autonomy group

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste/Soest, in September 2023. Müthing GmbH & Co. KG became the fourth partner to join the cross-manufacturer agricultural technology autonomy group known as “3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY.” Practical testing of the technology developed by 3A for highly automated to autonomous field cultivation using mulchers is already underway. 3A Gains New Partner The open

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Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Müthing tritt Autonomieverbund bei

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste/Soest, im September 2023. Die Müthing GmbH & Co. KG tritt als vierter Partner dem hersteller-übergreifenden Landtechnik-Autonomieverbund „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ bei. Die Praxiserprobung der durch 3A entwickelten Technologie für die hochautomatisierte bis autonome Feldbearbeitung im Mulchereinsatz ist bereits angelaufen. 3A gewinnt an Stärke und begrüßt neuen Partner Der herstellerübergreifende, offene Ansatz von

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CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have set up the first autonomy group and are unveiling solutions for highly automated and autonomous fieldwork.
Company updates

Joined forces: CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone establish world-first multi-manufacturer autonomy group

CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone have stepped up their collaboration in the field of highly automated and autonomous agricultural machinery and work processes by establishing the first multi-manufacturer autonomy group. 3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY aims to accelerate the development, standardisation and market introduction of semi- and fully autonomous tractor-implement combinations through their combined expertise

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UK Grant Customer

The first one of the UK Grant Customers has already received his machine! This T2 is heading to Sleaford just intime for the seeding season, power harrowing ahead of a 6m seeder. Mike the technician has just finished the final pre delivery inspection checks, ready to hand over the keys!

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AgXCloud & App update

We are happy to announce, on August 22nd, we updated our AgXCloud (Portal) and App with new features. From now on it’s possible to build implements in the portal, download heatmaps with sensor data, and much more! Here, we will be sharing some highlights of the update. Preparation for automatic LiDar box adjustments To automate

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Robotic Tour Agravis

Throughout August and September, Agravis planned a large robotic demo tour through Germany. This past month, they have already shown the AgBot on field days in Otze, Bardenhagen, Arendsee and Stendal, as well as on the Agravis Future Farm. In case you missed it or want to see more, check out the upcoming dates for

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Live event Hungary

It has come to our attention that farmers in Hungary have been hungry for autonomous farming. That is why, we have an event planned on September 12 to demonstrate the AgBot, especially for those very interested farmers in Hungary. Are you interested and would you like to visit the event as well? Send an email

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