News & events

Events in France – Innov-Agri 2023 & Demonstrations Airport Paris

Beginning of September, we were present at the Innov-Agri 2023 event in Outarville, France. We have demonstrated our AgBot 5.115T2 and AgBot 2.055W4 with Amazone implements. Looking back, it was a successful event with many visitors and lots of interesting discussions. Thank you Amazone, Sevra-France and Groupe David for your support in making this a

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New additional partnership in Germany – CLAAS Braunschweig

When selecting distribution partners, AgXeed’s top priorities are comprehensive service and direct access to the customer. It is therefore important to have partners who are on-site at the customer’s premises and yet can guarantee short and transparent routes to the manufacturer. For AgXeed and its partners, the term service means more than just providing assistance

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Agrihandler introducing the AgBot at the Agro Show

Last week, during the Agro Show in Bednary, Poland, our new distribution and service partner for Poland; Agrihandler, introduced the AgBot 5.115T2 in a spectacular way. The Agro Show has been a very successful 3-day event with thousands of visitors and many interesting conversations. Agrihandler is a leading distributor of agricultural machinery & robots in

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