News & events

AgBot T2 – Strip-Till

Our partner, NIK, showed their AgBot 5.115T2 in Romania. The AgBot operated using an Agrisem International Strip-Cat II strip-till cultivator for seeding canola. The work speed was 8 km/h with 15 cm working depth and with 50 cm row spacing. The strip-till cultivator worked nicely on the light clay soil.   Below some statistics of

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Friends of AgXeed – Andreas Ziaja

This year, we celebrated our 6 year anniversary and already our second fully commercial year with many machines already running in the fields. In this time, we have built a vast community of ambassadors and partners, working with us and our machines. A community “Friends of AgXeed” focused on autonomy in agriculture, which we would

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Orchards special

Did you know we have also have an autonomous solution specifically designed for smart applications in orchards and beyond? Our AgBot 2.055W3 is designed in a way, that fits perfectly between the rows of trees, for even and soil preserving rollover. Spraying and mowing are both repetitive tasks for farmers. Tasks that both can be

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Turf mowing UK

AgXperience Tour – June 2024

Directly after Cereals 2024, our UK team headed for a new field demo. A quick turn around after demonstrating the AgBot 2.055W4 with Amazone Catros Discs at Cereals. The Ag tyres were removed, Turf tyres are installed to demonstrate the 4-wheeler on a turf farm, mowing grass. It was great to be invited to the

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