

AgXeed announces partnership with distribution and service partner in France

AgXeed has announced the appointment of CLAAS Réseau Agricole Avignon as its distribution and service partner effective from 1st of October 2023. When selecting distribution partners, AgXeed places the highest emphasis on offering comprehensive service and facilitating direct customer access. Therefore, it is important to have partners who are on-site at the customer’s location and

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Field day UK

Our distributor ASC-Autonomy together with Grasslands invited customers to join a “come and look” day on October 24th, 2023. By kind permission of W.S. Furnival, they hosted an autonomous tractor working day where interested people, mostly neighbourhood growers, could see both AgBot 5.115T2 and AgBot 2.055W4 in action. Lots of interest, great conversations and valuable

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Events in France – Innov-Agri 2023 & Demonstrations Airport Paris

Beginning of September, we were present at the Innov-Agri 2023 event in Outarville, France. We have demonstrated our AgBot 5.115T2 and AgBot 2.055W4 with Amazone implements. Looking back, it was a successful event with many visitors and lots of interesting discussions. Thank you Amazone, Sevra-France and Groupe David for your support in making this a

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New additional partnership in Germany – CLAAS Braunschweig

When selecting distribution partners, AgXeed’s top priorities are comprehensive service and direct access to the customer. It is therefore important to have partners who are on-site at the customer’s premises and yet can guarantee short and transparent routes to the manufacturer. For AgXeed and its partners, the term service means more than just providing assistance

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Events in May

As the spring season is the start of the industry event season, we have been present at many different events during the last month. On of our AgBots has been present at these events: AMATECHNICA Amazone, Grüne Innovationstage, Agriplanta, Salon Groupe David, Demo Event in the UK, Future Farming & Food Experience and the Motorsport

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AgXperience Tour France – May

During the last month, we have been continuing our AgXperience Tour across France. Many demos have been done together with our partners through France. We started the month with a big event, hosted by our partner CLAAS EST and performed a demo for seedbed preparations. A demo was done in Narcy for the local Chamber

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AgXperience Tour UK – May

In May, our sales team and UK partners AS Communications and SoilEssentials have not been sitting still. Even though the weather has not been in our favor again this month, many demos have been performed for many different potential customers in many different regions. Our partner AS Communications has even been interviewed by the BBC.

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AgXperience Tour Germany – May

During the last month, we have been continuing our AgXperience Tour across Germany. Doing demos for many different potential customers in many different regions. A demo with ridge forming was done in Wülperode. Another demo was done for a potential customer and University in Göttingen and one of our last demos this month was done

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