Industry highlights

AgBot use cases

Debut in raking

Last week, during the Grasdag in the Netherlands, together with our partner Weevers Nieuwstad, we demonstrated the AgBot 2.055W4 with a single-rotor rake, for the first time. The AgBot excelled by performing flawlessly among the large hay and forage machinery combinations. A new use case and solution to add to our list in providing autonomy

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Industry highlights

Events June 2024

DLG Feldtage and Cereals are the two biggest events of Europe and provided a great opportunity to connect with farmers and agricultural specialists, and showcase our autonomous solutions and possibilities. We were proud to be present and supported by our dedicated partners, who, together with the visitors, helped make these events a success. In addition

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Company updates

Events in May

As the spring season is the start of the industry event season, we have been present at many different events during the last month. On of our AgBots has been present at these events: AMATECHNICA Amazone, Grüne Innovationstage, Agriplanta, Salon Groupe David, Demo Event in the UK, Future Farming & Food Experience and the Motorsport

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Company updates

AgXperience Tour France – May

During the last month, we have been continuing our AgXperience Tour across France. Many demos have been done together with our partners through France. We started the month with a big event, hosted by our partner CLAAS EST and performed a demo for seedbed preparations. A demo was done in Narcy for the local Chamber

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Live event Hungary

It has come to our attention that farmers in Hungary have been hungry for autonomous farming. That is why, we have an event planned on September 12 to demonstrate the AgBot, especially for those very interested farmers in Hungary. Are you interested and would you like to visit the event as well? Send an email

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Live from the Fields

Regardless of the busy season, we were still able to show our AgBots on farmers’ fields and capture some Live from the Fields moments. Two French farmers found the time to host a demo of our AgBots at their farms. A tine-, disc- and deep cultivator were used on fields in Connantre and Poivres. In

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AgBot W4 – Flail mowing green manure

Our partner Nouws Mechanisatie recently performed flail mowing green manure, with the AgBot 2.055W4 using an Agrimaster flail mower. They gave a demonstration of this combination on a field of one of their customers. According to Agrimaster, a perfect match between machine and customer’s needs on the field.

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Rent-to-Sell program

We currently have an AgBot 5.115T2 running in France as part of our Rent-to-Sell program. For those customers that want to test one of our AgBots on their farm, on their fields, working with their own implements, we have a limited number of AgBots available that can be rented for an extensive period prior to

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