News & events

1000 working hours in 6 months – Customer Sweden

The AgBot of Sweden’s first AgBot owner has completed 1000 hours of work in 6 months! Thomas Grönroos in Göteborg, farms 600 ha of cereals, with only little assistance from his family because of the AgBot 5.115T2. Initially, he was nervous leaving the T2 working in the field at night, but now he agrees that

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Rental Customer France

Our dealer CLAAS AVIGNON has currently rented the AgBot 5.115T2 to a farmer in France. The farmer used the AgBot for mulching with a 3m Alpego mulcher on 38 former rice fields, adding up to a total of 110 ha. He continues to prepare these fields for seeding winter wheat with a power harrow🌾 Check

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Events October

Not many events were held in October for the farming industry. We attended very few events; however a few took place which were absolute highlights. Helsinki annual Ag show Our dealer in Finland, Hankkija Oy, took first place with the AgBot 5.115T2 at the Helsinki annual Ag show in the category ‘New Product Introduction’. Product

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AgBot 5.115T2 seeding rye – Germany

One of our customers in Germany, Bothmann Agrar, has been seeding rye with his AgBot 5.115T2. The AgBot seeded 115 hectares of rye in only 4 days. Check out the video to see some very nice photos of the AgBot while it was seeding rye during sunset! Who knew a seeding AgBot could be so

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