Precise at every task
AgBot 5.115T2

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Flail mowing
- Implement: 3m PTO-driven flail mower
- Speed: 7 km/h
- Fuel: 13 l/h
- Crop: winter cover crop
- Topography: flat

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- Implement: 3m subsoiler + tint cultivator
- Speed: 5 km/h
- Fuel: 20 l/h
- Soil: sandy
- Topography: flat

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Soil preparation
- Implement: 3m front knife roller and 3m 3 row cultivator
- Speed: up to 10 km/h
- Depth: 15cm
- Soil: Sandy clay
- Topography: flat

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Soil preparation
- Implement: 3m spader
- Speed: 3.5 km/h at 30cm working depth
- Fuel: 22 l/h
- Soil: sandy clay
- Topography: flat

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Seedbed preparation
- Implement: 4m spring tine cultivator
- Speed: 11 km/h
- Soil: clay, limestones
- Topography: rolling slopes

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Seedbed preparation
- Implement: 4m seedbed combination
- Speed: 7 km/h
- Fuel: 19 – 23 L/h
- Soil: sandy – heavy clay
- Topography: flat

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Strip Tilling
- Implement: Agrisem StripCat 2 8R.50
- Speed: 8.0 km/h
- PTO speed: 0 rpm
- Fuel: 24 L/h
- Soil: Sandy loam
- Topography: Flat
- Specialty: Bed cultivation
- Soil disturbance minimized as much as possible by working narrow strips of soil

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- Implement: 3m front tender packer and 3m rotary harrow with corn precision drill
- Speed: up to 8-12 km/h
- Soil: Sandy clay – humorous clay
- Topography: flat – light slopes

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- Implement: 3m power harrow + 3m mechanical box drill
- Speed: 5 km/h
- Fuel: 27 L/h
- Topography: flat
- Soil: loess-limestone

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Bed forming
- Implement: Baselier
- Speed: 2 km/h
- PTO speed: 900 RPM
- Fuel: 24 L/h
- Soil: Luvisol
- Topography: Flat

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Ridge forming
- Implement: Struik
- Speed: 2,5 km/h
- PTO speed: 1000 RPM
- Fuel: 23 L/h
- Soil: Luvisol
- Topography: Flat
- Ridge forming for carrots

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Intrarow weeding
- Implement: cameraguided intrarow weeder
- Speed: 2.5 km/h
- Fuel: 8 l/h
- Soil: wet black sand
- Topography: flat

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- Implement: Harrow Hatzenbichler 12m
- Speed: 2.5 km/h
- Soil: sandy clay
- Topography: flat – light slopes
- Fuel: 9 L/h

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Ploughing (testing use case)
- Implement: 8m furrow reversible eco plough
- Speed: 6 km/h
- Fuel: 18 L/h
- Soil: sandy
- Topography: flat

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One pass operation
- Implement: subsoiler + power harrow + mechanical box drill
- Soil: sandy loam
- Speed: 4 km/h
- Fuel: 24 L/h
- Topography: flat

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Tramline renovation
- Implement: tramline renovator
- Speed: 8 km/h
- Fuel: 16 l/h
- Topography: flat

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Spot spraying
- Implement: 24m spot sprayer
- Speed: 10 km/h
- Fuel: 15.5 l/h
- Topography: flat
AgBot 2.055W4

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Grassland maintenance
- Implement: 300cm ripper roller
- Speed: 8 km/h
- PTO speed: 1.000rpm
- Fuel: 6l/h
- Soil: Grassland
- Topography: rolling slopes

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Cover Crop Management
- Implement: 180cm bed bio tiller
- Speed: 5km/h
- PTO speed: 1.000rpm
- Fuel: 3,5l/h
- Soil: Light sand
- Topography: flat
- Specialty: Bed cultivation

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Crop care
- Implement: 4 row mechanical maize weeder
- Speed: up to 4 km/h
- Fuel: 3 l/h
- Soil: sand
- Topography: flat

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- Implement: 3m rotary harrow with 3m mechanical drill
- Speed: up to 5 km/h
- Fuel: 6 l/h
- Soil: loess
- Topography: light slope

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- Implement: 4-row 75cm precision drill with fertilizer front hopper
- Speed: 6 km/h
- Fuel: 12 l/h
- Soil: river clay ground
- Topography: flat
- Seed distance: 16 cm
- Seed quantity: 86.000 /ha
- Fertilizer: 500 kg

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Alfalfa mowing
- Implement: double blade mower
- Speed: 9 km/h
- Fuel: 8 l/h
- Topography: varied

Seedbed preparation
- Implement: 3m rotary harrow
- Speed: up to 7 km/h
- Fuel: 6.5 l/h
- Soil: loess
- Topography: flat
Optional: cover crop seeding

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Soil preparation
- Implement: 160cm bed spader
- Speed: 5 km/h
- PTO speed: 540 rpm
- Fuel: 4 l/h
- Soil: Light sand
- Topography: flat

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Turf mowing
- Implement: 6m eco clipper
- Speed: 9 km/h
- Crop: grassland turf
- Fuel: 10 L/h
- Topography: flat

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Weed harrowing
- Implement: ELCO powered weed harrow
- Speed: 4 km/h
- PTO speed: N/A
- Fuel: 6 L/h
- Soil: Sand
- Topography: Flat

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Flail Mowing
- Implement: Agrimaster RV280
- Speed: 5.0 km/h
- PTO speed: 1000 rpm
- Fuel: 11 L/h
- Soil: Sand
- Topography: Flat
- Cover crop mulching

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- Implement: MF RK 391 DN single-element rake
- Speed: 11.5 km/h
- PTO speed: 450 rpm mainland, 100 rpm headland
- Fuel: 8 L/h
- Soil: Clay
- Topography: Flat
AgBot 2.055W3

Flail mowing
- Implement: 180cm electrical driven flail mower
- Speed: 4-6 km/h
- Fuel: 3.5-5 l/h
- Orchard: apples
- Topography: flat

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Crop care
- Implement: 2.000 Litre, one row orchard sprayer with PWM valves and electrical fan drive. VRA and sensor controlled rate controller.
- Speed: 8 km/h
- Fuel: 7.5 l/h
- Orchard: apples
- Topography: flat

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